How to kill a Spider on the Ceiling

How to kill a Spider on the Ceiling

How to kill a Spider on the Ceiling

There are different ways to kill a spider on the ceiling. You could press it to death with paper, use insecticide or suffocate it with hairspray. People choose any of the available methods depending on how convenient it is. Individual tolerance to spiders and the number of spiders on the ceiling is also a determining factor.
In this article, you will learn how to kill spiders and prevent them from coming near your apartment. First, lets us do justice to the spiders on the ceiling.

Below is a comprehensive list of how to kill a spider when it is on your ceiling:

Use a Vacuum Cleaner

You could leverage the air power of a vacuum cleaner, especially when you want to remove multiple spiders. Vacuum cleaners help you to cover a wide area of your ceiling. Besides, if you have a phobia of spiders, you won’t get to touch them if you use vacuum cleaners.

Furthermore, using vacuum cleaners is less messy. You get to remove the Spider (s) from a safe distance with zero stains on your ceiling. Please take care to release the content of the vacuum in an open space outside; some spiders may still be alive. After releasing the spiders, you can just squish them with your legs.

Squish the Spider to death with your hands

This is useful if the Spider is within the range of your hand. Also, it is useful if there are no alternatives and the Spider is fast escaping. In some other cases, you may need to use a ladder or climb a table. This method is sure to leave a stain on your ceiling surface.

It is advisable in this case that you do not use your bare hands. It is not only unhygienic; it may be dangerous. Some spiders are venomous, and some can damage the skin. Alternatively, you can kill the Spider with a swatter, a broom, a book, anything at hand.

Use insecticides/bug sprays

Bugs sprays are also effective when you want to kill multiple spiders. These chemicals allow you to kill a spider without touching it. You do not need physical force or contact either. Also, bug sprays can be effective for killing spiders from a distance.

However, you should avoid contact with the aerosol inside the spray container. These chemicals have harmful effects upon contact with pets or humans. Therefore, you should check the spray instruction, so you don’t overuse them.
To be on the safe side, you should cover yourself up with a mask and an overall after you apply any bug spray.

Finally, always remember to wash your hands after using a bug spray on the Spider.
Some examples of effective bug spray products include Mortein odorless spray, Raid, Sniper insect spray, etc.

Use Hairspray/Lysol on the Spider

  • Lysol and hair sprays have proven to be poisonous to spiders. At most, a spider can only survive 35 minutes after contact with Lysol. You could leverage this to kill a spider on your ceiling without necessarily getting close to it.
  • You should note that Lysol is only enough to immobilize some. In this case, you may have to squish them after spraying them up.
  • You could employ these other methods to kill spiders on your ceiling
  • You could suffocate the Spider
  • You could immobilize the Spider with vinegar, then squish it
  • You could use a cup and a piece of paper to capture and squish it.
  • You can also spray water to douse it and squish it afterwards.

What kills Spider instantly?

Different things kill spiders instantly. We would classify these things under two categories – sprays and insecticides and DIY chemical mixtures for easy comprehension.

Sprays that kill spiders instantly

There are different types of sprays available in the market today. For example, some sprays can repel spiders and kill them instantly on contact among these types. To identify which spray could do that for you, you should look out for the following active ingredient while purchasing.

  • Cyfluthrin,
  • Bifenthrin,
  • Deltamethrin,
  • Lambda cyhalothrin.
  • Pyrethrin
  • Resemethrin
  • Allethrin

Of course, the list is long; there are many other active ingredients in insecticides capable of eliminating spiders. Examples of sprays and insecticides that have them include Miss Muffet spider spray, Ortho spider spray, Tempo Ultra, Syngetha, Murrein, and many more. To get these products (and the others),

NB: Remember to always read the instructions before you use any product that contains any of those active ingredients. This is because; they pose a considerable level of harm to humans or pets in the same house.

DIY Chemical mixtures

These chemical substances are not exactly industry recommended. However, over time, they were discovered to be capable of killing spiders instantly. Here are the most popular examples of these

Chemical mixtures

Bleach and water spray – A bleach mixture and water could be deadly to a spider upon contact. However, for optimal effect, you have to mix the bleach in a high concentration.

Lysol – This is usually found in hair sprays. A high concentration of Lysol is capable of killing some common household spiders.

What kills Spider on contact?

The majority of the substances that can kill spiders instantly need to contact the spiders first. For instance, the bleach and water spray mixture and the Lysol. The only exceptions to the rule of contact are aerosol sprays. Below is a list of some substances that can kill spiders on contact:

NB: This list excludes some of the things that are mentioned above

A mixture of vinegar and water is poisonous to spiders upon direct contact. To achieve an optimal result, you should mix white vinegar and water in equal concentrations. Spiders writhe and die off when they come in contact with this mixture.

Windex – This is a spray used to remove grease. The concentration of Ammonia is so high that it will immediately kill any spider that it touches.

Ammonia mixtures – Ammonia can be mixed with other substances to produce solutions that kill spiders directly.

There are many other mixtures capable of killing spiders on contact. However, it would be best if you remembered to prioritize safety when making these DIY insecticides. Some of them have adverse effects when they come into contact with human skin.

What attracts Spiders to the house

Spiders don’t just go anywhere; a couple of conditions attract them to a house. Let’s examine some of those conditions below.

Warmth and Humidity – Spiders are naturally drawn towards warm environments and have considerable air moisture. Not just spiders other arachnids and insects are attracted to places like this. This makes it comfortable for the spiders to live and for them to hunt their food. If your house has a river nearby or a swap, you will likely have increased spider activity in warm seasons.

Flourishing Garden or Surrounding bush– If you have a flourishing garden in or near your house, there is a chance of high spider activity. Flourishing gardens are home to a diverse number of insects. These insects attract spiders that want to feed on them. Also, and more importantly, gardens are natural habitats for many spider species.

Domestic waste – There are also high chances of finding spiders in a pile of domestic waste. Like in the other cases, these piles provide the ideal habitat and hunting grand for them. Therefore, if you have piles of wood, left-over food items, and kitchen waste lying around, you are sure to find spiders.

Damaged and Abandoned Areas – There are higher chances of finding these spiders in the corners and crevices of your house. These spots provide the ideal hiding and breeding places for these spiders. Finally, spiders abound in unfrequented parts of your house. For example sake, you could check your garage, basements, cellars, attics, and so on.

The above constitute the most common conditions that attract spiders. However, there are other, less frequent causes of high spider activity. Some of them include

  • Attraction to a mate
  • Attraction to water – some spiders are found at taps and wash hand basins
  • Attraction to spider glue traps
  • Attraction to fruits

Read Also: Signs of House Centipede Infestation

How to prevent Spider Web outside

It is quite obvious that to prevent cobwebs; you have to keep spiders themselves away. However, there are different methods you could employ to do that.

General Hygiene

Since spiders are attracted to insects, wasters, bushes, and damp places, you could use that against them. Get rid of all possible breeding and feeding spots for a spider outside your house. There are high chances that they will stay away. If they don’t, the spider population will be reduced considerably. As a result of this, you have fewer or zero spider webs.

Spider Repellants

To keep your house and yard free of spider webs, you could employ spider repellants. There are several spider repelling insecticides in the market that you can use. Instead of those, you can make spider repellants yourself. For instance, vinegar, salt, borax, and other chemicals are capable of repelling these arachnids.

Seal Cracks in your building

You should note any cracks in your building and seal them off. Crevices and tiny holes on the wooden surfaces outside homes are typical examples. That way, you can keep spiders and their webs away from outside your house.

Turn off the lights

In a bushy area where you have no control, keeping your lights off when you don’t need them helps. Light bulbs attract insects and spiders alike.


In the natural order of things, spiders are part of the biological pest control process. However, they become a menace when they are too much around. Some spider species are venomous and therefore dangerous to you. Always remember to prioritize your safety, both in prevention and co-habitation.

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